Navigating the Qualification Recognition and Visa Process for International Healthcare Workers in Germany: What all employers should know by the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA)

As Germany continues to face a growing demand for healthcare professionals, the recruitment of international qualified workers has become a crucial strategy for filling the gaps. Understanding the bureaucratic processes involved in bringing these skilled workers into the country is essential for healthcare facilities aiming to maintain and enhance their staffing levels. Recently, the association BDA (Die Arbeitgeber) released important information for employers about these processes. Here, we provide an overview of the key points from the BDA’s latest brochure, focusing on the Qualification Recognition Partnership (Anerkennungspartnerschaft) and related visa procedures.


Key Points from the BDA Brochure

The BDA has addressed several critical questions concerning the qualification recognition and visa process for international healthcare workers. This information is particularly valuable for employers seeking to navigate the complexities of hiring foreign professionals. CWC, an international recruitment agency connecting nurses with German healthcare facilities, has curated the most relevant FAQs from the BDA’s brochure. These insights clarify key concepts and highlight recent changes in the recruitment and hiring processes.


#FAQ 1: What does Qualification Recognition Partnership (Anerkennungspartnerschaft) mean?

The concept of the Qualification Recognition Partnership is designed to help foreign qualified workers stay in Germany and prepare for an exam that will fully recognize their qualifications. In the healthcare sector, nurses often arrive in Germany with a “partial qualification recognition.” The goal of the Qualification Recognition Process is to achieve “full qualification recognition,” allowing nurses to work as officially registered nurses and earn higher, competency-based salaries.


#FAQ 2: What’s New in the Qualification Recognition Process?

A significant update in the process is that the Qualification Recognition procedure must not yet have been initiated for the first application for a residence permit and the initial examination by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA). This means that at the time of the initial residence permit application, no (partial) notice of recognition must have been issued by the competent recognition body.


#FAQ 3: What do I need to consider as an Employer in the QR Partnership Agreement?

There is no fixed salary threshold for employment under the recognition partnership. However, the remuneration of skilled workers must align with regional salary levels or, for employers bound by collective agreements, with applicable collective agreement conditions. The recognition partnership agreement must specify the target occupation for professional recognition. There must be a professional connection between the foreign qualification and the employment during the QR partnership, ensuring that international nurses are hired for roles where they can apply their nursing education skills.


#FAQ 4: What is the Bundesagentur’s Role in the Qualification Recognition Process?

The BA evaluates whether the employment is sufficiently related to a profession eligible for a professional recognition procedure with the acquired qualification. Employers must provide a declaration of commitment, ensuring the employee can participate in training courses, language courses, and practical vocational measures. Similarly, the foreign worker must commit to submitting an application for professional recognition to the competent recognition office immediately upon entry. Language skills are verified by the body issuing the qualification, not the Bundesagentur. The Bundesagentur’s approval for the initial application is limited to twelve months, with the entire recognition partnership not exceeding 36 months.


#FAQ 5: Whom can I contact for Qualification Recognition matters?

Employers should initially contact the Employer Service (Arbeitgeber) for inquiries related to the Arbeitsagentur. The Employer Service provides advice on employing third-country nationals. For general questions about labor market admission and specific applications, employers can contact the “Arbeitsmarktzulassung” department at 0228 7132000 (available Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.). 

Additional resources and information are available at the Employer Service of the Arbeitsagentur.


#FAQ 6: Are there any further information and resources that I can check online as an employer?

For detailed information on the requirements, implementation, and process of the Qualification Recognition and visa application, employers can visit the specialist website Make It in Germany.


Streamlining Bureaucratic Processes for Faster Deployments

The ability for nurses to enter Germany with partial qualification recognition has significantly accelerated the deployment process. The primary goal is to facilitate the path for nurses to achieve full qualification recognition while working as assistant nurses. Recent legal revisions aim to simplify bureaucratic hurdles and expedite the deployment of international healthcare workers.

Healthcare facilities in Germany can benefit greatly from these updates, ensuring they can efficiently integrate skilled international nurses into their teams. For further questions or assistance with the Qualification Recognition Process, visa applications, and other related inquiries, please contact us at

By staying informed about these processes and leveraging the available resources, healthcare facilities can better navigate the complexities of international recruitment, ultimately strengthening their workforce and improving patient care outcomes.



Association BDA (Die Arbeitgeber) – Fragen zur praktischen Umsetzung des Gesetzes und der Verordnung zur Weiterentwicklung der Fachkräfteeinwanderung (FAQ Stand Juni 2024)

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